Actor | Soul/Rock Musician

Crossroads, Eternand's latest single, is a melodic blend of rock & soul nuances for a peep into the mind of toxic, boundary pushing, delusional love and how it crashes down and reaches a crossroad.
Eternanda's beginnings started with Jingles, sound bites and 2 fully produced songs "I love" and "Rabbit's Gun" that helped her release her inhibitions, learn production & put some shit out there! Also helped with understanding the industry
Click the portrait to take a listen to:

Hailing from her hometown of Alexandria, VA, Eternanda, but you can Call her Eterna, is a singer that blends a melodic soul-style to Hard Rock with a little hip-hop blends. Culturally, how can one choose between the two very deep forms of expression? When she is not on stage, auditioning for the next big role or transporting puppies all over the world and documenting it, she is writing and performing around LA! Check out her press Kit for more.
Los Angeles * NYC